Birthdate: December 3rd, 1972
Origin: Adachi, Tokyo
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Reina-chan
Occupation: Performer (Past), Student (Past), Office Worker (Present)
Appears In: All
Summary: Reina has always been forthright with her attitudes and desires - which has left her with few friends and fewer family. To fill the void left behind by a dead father and an emotionally absent mother, Reina became sexually promiscuous in high school and never saw a reason to stop. Even after entering a long-term relationship with Aiko, she still desires to see other women, which has led to her and her girlfriend's unique arrangements. Reina's ultimate dream is "retirement": in her youth she flittted between jobs such as waitressing at a club, performing on stage, and even handing out mailers. Eventually she went back to school and got a salary job to help support her and Aiko's lifestyle.
Aiko Takeuchi
Birthdate: September 12th, 1973
Origin: Suginami, Tokyo
Blood Type: A
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Ai-chan
Occupation: Student (Past), Homemaker (Present)
Appears In: All
Summary: For most of her life Aiko assumed she would fulfill the world's expectations by becoming a wife and mother like all the other women in her family. Her focus on life changed, however, when she met and began dating Reina. Although her family largely disapproves of her relationship, Aiko remains optimistic and open to learning about Reina's world of endless debauchery. She went to university to study English but has eschewed a career in translating for the life of a homemaker - cooking is one of her passions, and since Reina is incompetent at it, it only seemed natural. Aiko feels that she doesn't have much to complain about in life, aside from having very few friends left. Her inclination to naivete has gotten her in trouble more than once.

Birthdate: May 27th, 1973
Origin: California, USA
Blood Type: A
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Mi-chan, Miranda
Occupation: Performer (Past), Captain in US Military (Present)
Appears In: Daisuki, Hatsukoi, Mitsushin, Kataomoi, Tokoiri
Summary: An American expat, Michiko is only half Japanese (on her mother's side) and never set foot on Japanese soil until she entered high school. There she befriended Reina and the two have been best friends since. Although Reina often asked Michiko to be her girlfriend, she has always rebuffed her on the grounds of them being "too incompatible." After high school Michiko followed Reina's job schemes before deciding to return to America and enlist in the military. She still makes yearly trips to Japan to visit her friends and family, and also spends her time painting and establishing an artistic career both in America and Japan. She often acts as the voice of reason to Reina's arduous mind.
Yuri Furusawa

Birthdate: June 16th, 1978
Origin: Itabashi, Tokyo
Blood Type: A
Orientation: Bisexual
Nicknames: (None)
Occupation: Homemaker
Appears In: Daisuki, Seikou, Koibumi
Summary: Yuri grew up the only (and thus spoiled) child of an affluent family with an affinity for hosting exchange students. During her final year of high school, Yuri's family hosted an American girl who promptly fell in love with her. Yuri was content to continue a correspondance over the year until her mother caught wind of her relationship. Afterwards, she went into a dark period of internalized homophobia and threw herself into a relationship with a man. It wasn't until years later, with a husband, daughter, and a household to run, that Yuri relented to her true desires and struck up a side-relationship with her friend and neighbor Aiko. Since then Yuri has made peace with her infidelity and still considers her husband one of her best friends - and she's pretty sure he's got a girlfriend somewhere too.

塙 香織
Birthdate: January 8th, 1988
Origin: Iwate Prefecture
Blood Type: AB
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Kao-chan, Kao-tan
Occupation: Secretary
Appears In: Daisuki, Seikou, Koibumi, Jihaku
Summary: Kaori comes from an impoverished farming family in northern Iwate Prefecture. Seeing her family struggle to eat and stay warm in the harsh winters spurred Kaori to go to school in Tokyo and attempt a career in business board rooms - however, she forgot to count on the fact that women are often unwelcomed in such atmospheres. While in university she met and began dating Haruka via their mutual love for rock concerts. If it weren't for this fortuitous meeting, Kaori would probably be currently single as she constantly fears being outed by her work peers and thus having her job in jeopardy. She's ashamed by her station as a secretary, as it has no chance for advancement and a short shelf life.

Birthdate: April 4th, 1991
Origin: Setagaya, Tokyo
Blood Type: O
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Haruppo, Haru-kun
Occupation: Student, Guitar Tutor, Tea Shop Clerk
Appears In: Seikou, Koibumi, Jihaku
Summary: Growing up in a one-parent family (and with her father, no less) taught Haruka a healthy dose of self-reliance and independence. While her father's homosexuality drove away her mother, it helped raise her in a gay-friendly environment...this also had the consequence of making her a little too optimistic when it comes to her relationships with other women. Haruka has no particular dreams outside of "music" and is currently studying music theory while teaching guitar lessons and helping out at her father's tea shop. She's convinced that her and Kaori are meant to be together forever, although her girlfriend's fear of being out often puts a damper on their relationship.
Junko Takeuchi
Birthdate: July 8th, 1942
Origin: Suginami, Tokyo
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: Housewife
Appears In: Daisuki, Hatsukoi, Seikou, Kataomoi, Koibumi
Summary: Traditional and conservative, Junko did everything she was "supposed" to do with her life: marry young, have half a dozen children, and be the greatest housewife in the land. Not only did she follow that mantra, but she fully believes in it. (Gender binary? Bring it on!) Junko is only pleased with her children when they're fulfilling the status quo...which means daughter Aiko is an embarrassment and a half. Nevertheless, Junko is vowed to "correct" her daughter's sexuality and see her married and impregnated sometime in the next few years. This includes lots of blind dates with men, and lots of nasty words towards Reina.
Shizuka Ishihara
Birthdate: August 29th, 1971
Origin: Edogawa, Tokyo
Blood Type: AB
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: Shi-chan
Occupation: Performer (Past), Housewife (Present)
Appears In: Hatsukoi, Kataomoi
Summary: Shizuka is credited as the snarky woman who originally introduced her cousin Aiko to coworker Reina way back when stage idols were a thing. (Or maybe they still are?) Although she never took her job as a stage performer seriously, Shizuka was still right-angry when that business came crashing down. Three months later she was knocked up by her boyfriend anyway, and one shot-gun marriage later Shizuka was queen of her own castle, and has been seen little since. She was the first family member Aiko came out to and one of her only supporters - she even named her first son Ren. (Fun fact: although not blood related, Shizuka and her boyfriend/husband have always had the same last name.)

Takeshi Matsumoto
松本 武
Birthdate: October 1st, 1976
Origin: Kita, Tokyo
Blood Type: A
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: English Professor
Appears In: Koibumi
Summary: Takeshi is an intellectual who spends most of his time doing everything English related: he studies it, reads it, and talks endlessly about it with anyone who shares his passion. His skills led to him becoming a professor of English at an Early age, and his youthful demeanor makes him popular with his students. Takeshi is also highly self-sufficient since he was orphaned at an early age and has yet to marry. He inherited his family's house, making him both career man and homemaker. The only thing missing in his life now is the perfect companion. He's willing to compromise on many issues, but he certainly never intended on falling for lesbians.

Birthdate: April 25th, 1950
Origin: Adachi, Tokyo
Blood Type: O
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: Homemaker (Past) Various Odd Jobs (Present)
Appears In: Koibumi
Summary: Sachiko was raised to be a doting wife and mother, which seemed to be her destiny when she married Kenta, Reina's father. However, his untimely death forced Sachiko to become the sole provider for her and her daughter, which meant working multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. This caused her to become irritable, and often at adds with her daughter, who soon became estranged from her. In the beginning Sachiko pressured Reina to give up homosexuality, but it only created a greater divide between them - which was sealed when Sachiko won a lottery big enough to let her quit all but one part-time job and to let Reina move out. Now Sachiko stays mostly at home, wondering if it's possible to repair her damaged relationship with her daughter.

吉岡 澪
Birthdate: February 27th, 1974
Origin: Kita, Tokyo
Blood Type: A
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Mio-chan
Occupation: Student
Appears In: Kataomoi
Summary: Mio is Reina's ex-girlfirend; specifically, she's the last girlfriend Reina had before meeting Aiko. To say that relationship went south would be an understatement. When Mio's mother discovered the nature of her daughter's relationship, she disowned her and has never spoken to her since. Mio went from a single-parent household to all on her own when she was barely out of high school, and thus this has left its scars on her heart and outlook. A bitter woman, Mio rarely opens up to other women and is content living in her fantasies of all-female musicals, which she uses as a void-filler in her life.

Birthdate: April 14th, 1975
Origin: Koto, Tokyo
Blood Type: O
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Yatsu
Occupation: Student
Appears In: Kataomoi
Summary: A staunch feminist and activist, Yatsumi sometimes finds herself being pulled in multiple directions. Whether it's women's rights, gay rights, or inter-Asia relations, she's usually busy fighting for somebody's rights and general word peace. Yatsu doesn't put up with flakes but is more empathetic than she lets on. Mio is her best friend, and by all accounts they are the only ones who understand each other. (Some speculate that Yatsumi's feelings are deeper than just friendship.) A little known fact about her is that she's half-Chinese on her mother's side. Her maternal family runs a multi-generational business in Beijing, while her paternal family dies out.
Saki Endo
Birthdate: January 19th, 1969
Origin: Suginami, Tokyo
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: Saki-chan, Oneesan (Big Sister)
Occupation: Housewife
Appears In: Seikou, Koibumi
Summary: Saki is Aiko's elder sister and the golden female child of the Takeuchi clan. A no-nonsense woman, Saki takes her life as a wife and mother super, super seriously. She married right out of high school and made it her mission in life to become the greatest housewife to ever pick out English schools and PTA her life away. Constant attention to her oblivious husband and spoiled sons has embittered her to the point she no longer has a bullshit filter around her sister. While their mother often laments Aiko's relationship and wishes to change her, Saki has no affection for her little sister and makes a point to constantly put down her and Reina. Speculation is that she's jealous.
Sousuke Nakamura
Birthdate: November 18th, 1966
Origin: Kita, Tokyo
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: (None)
Occupation: Salaryman
Appears In: Daisuki, Seikou, Koibumi
Summary: The only person older than Reina in their business department, (Sousuke) Nakamura has never done more than expected or asked - which means he's squandered his life away without any hope of promotion or accolades. This suits him fine, as his opinion towards life is to let everyone else do the work for him. The closer he gets to retirement, the more Nakamura decides that Reina should date him and eventually be his wife. He's the first in the office to deduce her sexuality, but hasn't done anything with the information. No need to, when he's got a matchmaker working to get him wife #2...or was it 3? Who knows why women don't flock to this champion of sweet manliness.
Chloe Dunn
クロエ ヅン
Birthdate: June 20th, 1990
Origin: Sacramento, California, USA
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: (None)
Occupation: Student
Appears In: Koibumi
Summary: Chloe is an energetic America currently in Japan to do a study and compile a book about the experiences of Japanese lesbians. Not much is known about her aside from her being a strong acquaintance of Michiko's back in California - apparently, it was Michiko who suggested to Chloe that she look up Reina and Aiko for her interviews. Chloe brings American honesty and openness, which often puts those around her off after a while. She also has a tendency to be popular wherever she goes, and has ruined a date or two with her magnetism.
Rumiko Katou
Birthdate: August 30th, 1969
Origin: Yokohama
Blood Type: AB
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: Dr. Katou
Occupation: Psychologist (Specialty in LGBT counseling.)
Appears In: Seikou
Summary: In the scope of the series, Dr. Katou is the resident LGBT-friendly psychologist who works one-on-one (including those with gender dysphoria / are trans*) and in couples. Although straight herself, she got her ally T-shirt in high school when her best friend at the time came out to her as a lesbian. After a difficult home life, said friend committed suicide and Dr. Katou decided to study counseling in university. She conducts sociological studies and has written multiple articles on LGBT issues with an emphasis on equality. Currently she lives with her long-term boyfriend, with no desire to ever marry.

Birthdate: February 2nd, 1974
Origin: Shibuya, Tokyo
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Mrs. Sakamoto
Occupation: Widow (Seriously, it's an occupation.)
Appears In: Seikou, Daite
Summary: Meisa had her sexual awakening in her late teens, which lead to her having a heady lifestyle with boys, boys, and more boys, It wasn't until a drunken sleepover that she decided women were far more fulfilling in the bedroom. After a fling-filled summer, her well-to-do parents arranged a marriage between her and a 40yo businessman, who later became the chairman at Reina's company. For twenty years Meisa relegated herself to being the perfect wife for a man she held no attraction to. After his death she vowed to only give her heart (and loins) to women, but she has appearances to keep - trolling for women is a bit hard when everyone knows you and can't wait to rat your lifestyle out to the in-laws who control your purse strings. Needless to say, Meisa is a bit sexually frustrated.
Junri "Jun" Isoya
Birthdate: October 9th, 1975
Origin: Sapporo
Blood Type: O
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Jun
Occupation: Hotel General Manager
Appears In: Nanpakai, Chinseki, Koibumi, Daite
Summary: Jun was born into the "Nippon Royal Hotel" empire established by her great-great-grandfather. Nearly all of her family members are somehow involved with the hotel business, including her aunt who manages the Tokyo branch of the chain. With the help of her aunt and uncle (her father's siblings), Jun grew up ahead of the hotel management curve and graduated at the top of all hospitality courses. For the past five years she's been managing Dai 2 Sapporo, the child hotel of the Sapporo district, with her sights on Dai 1 (the flagship hotel) if not the entire empire. Because of the demands of her job, Jun doesn't have much time for romance: her liaisons revolve around random encounters and a small stock of friends with benefits. She's often plagued with a sense of loneliness and worries about growing old before she's had the great romance of her life.
Sayaka "Saya" Nemoto
Birthdate: February 4th, 1987
Origin: Shimane Prefecture
Blood Type: AB
Orientation: Lesbian
Nicknames: Saya
Occupation: Professional WWOOFer
Appears In: Daite
Summary: Saya comes from a small village in rural Shimane Prefecture, Japan's second least populated prefecture. Her family is very poor, but from them she learned how to be self-sufficient and to never take anything for granted. After an event that led to her dropping out of high school, she decided to wander the country as a professional WWOOOFer. As much as Saya loves to travel and meet as many people as possible, however, she doesn't have any long term goals... which she doesn't like to think about. While she prefers spending time on farms and up in the mountains, her favorite metro area is Nagoya, where she often supplements her income in between WWOOFing adeventures by working for a temp agency.
Yuki Aoyama
青山 雪
Birthdate: March 1st, 1981
Origin: Aichi Prefecture
Blood Type: A
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: Hotel Assistant Manager
Appears In: Daite
Summary: Yuki is the youngest of five brothers, born to a traditionally-minded family that runs a ryokan resort in the Chubu countryside. Growing up, Yuki was often forgotten by his family due to him being out of the running for inheritance. However, Yuki absorbed many things about hospitality while living at his family's resort, and decided to move to the city to work in the Western-styled hotel industry and make a name for himself. Now he works as an assistant manager at one of the nation's most prestigious hotel chains. Yet he won't be happy until he gets over his anxiety issues and inability to even get an arranged marriage.
Keiko Fukuda
Birthdate: November 30th, 1984
Origin: Nagoya
Blood Type: B
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: Hotel Front Desk Manager
Appears In: Daite
Summary: Keiko has spent most of her life highly self-conscious, in part from the bullying she received growing up and from the terrible men she has dated as an adult. She was raised by inattentive parents who decided to move away when she entered junior college, and as a result Keiko barely talks to them and mostly takes care of herself. She has a healthy dose of sarcasm in her and a cynical outlook on life, both of which she uses to cope with the way people treat her because of her appearance. For all her setbacks, she does have a steady job in a leadership position that she would like to see expand someday.
Akihiro Isoya
Birthdate: August 10th, 1957
Origin: Sapporo
Blood Type: O
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: Chairman of the "Royal Nippon Hotel" empire
Appears In: Daite
Summary: Akihiro tends to come off as reserved and cold to those who first meet him. But he has gained these qualities because he is fiercely loyal to his family and the empire that they rule over. Raised as a "back up" child in case something happened to his brother, which unfortunately did, Akihiro ascended the imperial throne at an early age. While the company has flourished under his reign, he has come to realize that the biggest decision he could possibly make is choosing between his niece and his son when it comes to who should succeed him as chairman. He believe that Jun is the best candidate, but does not yet think she's ready for the proper responsibilities.
Fujiko Isoya
Birthdate: August 10th, 1957
Origin: Sapporo
Blood Type: O
Orientation: Straight
Nicknames: None
Occupation: Hotel General Manager
Appears In: Daite
Summary: Fujiko is the twin sister of Akihiro, and his polar opposite. Whereas her brother was raised to take over a grand empire, Fujiko was more or less left to do whatever she wanted, since no one expected her to have any familial ambitions. On the contrary, Fujiko is just as much ambitious as anyone else around her, and worked herself into the ground until she became the general manager of the empire's largest hotel, the Tokyo branch. Although Fujiko has shirked the shackles of marriage and children, she retains a healthy personal life that she claims to be a trademark of all Isoya women.
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